Monday, March 18, 2013

Happiness in the Everydayness of Life

 I came out to my kitchen this afternoon and looked over at the stove and declared it a Happy Stove.  It just made me happy to see it there, looking so cheery.  I have been trying to find happiness in the little rhythms of the everydayness of life.

Yummy Emma Bread

Tea is good for happiness too.

Tea Towels, my family all knows how much I like tea towels.
These are all just things and are not what real happiness is made of....about an hour later the table, just an arm's reach from the Happy Stove, was full of good food that Emma had so graciously prepared; mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, broccoli and chicken seasoned just right.  Around the table were many hungry mouths and our usual strange dinner conversations and family antics commenced....that is what real happiness is made of even though it is a bit chaotic.


  1. Bread, Tea, and Tea Towels....we are so sisters!!! and i love your chaotic dinner table...i miss it!
