Monday, January 27, 2014

Birds - Winter Entertainment!

We love birds around our house.  We have guard ducks that quack when someone arrives at our house.  We have chickens in the coup, but also a couple out on the range.  We feed the dear little, wild, winter, birds outside our picture window. They keep us entertained and connected with the outdoors even on these blustery winter days. The children put their gingerbread houses out for the birds to munch on. The little Red Hen came knocking!

Mr Cardinal always comes with Mrs. Cardinal. 
She is a bit more timid then he is though.

They inspire a bit of stitching.

Mr. Blue Jay is even a welcome dash of color!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Winter Sunshine and Warmth

Well, we are in the height of winter...the days have been very cold, and very blustery.  The sun does peek out on occasion but has been very timid these days.  So my husband brings me some sunshine....or rather Sunflowers. They have been helping me get through these winter days. Watching the wonderful birds at the feeder also brings me great joy....we have cardinals that come everyday, blue jays, a woodpecker and of course...nuthatches, chickadees, tuffted titmouse, and sparrows too.  I take joy in even the little sparrows!
Poetry helps these days as well...
My Home
My home is such a cozy place
So warm and filled with love,
Though just a humble little place
It's blessed by God above,
When cares of life are bothering me
And I feel so alone,
I close the door (to)...The world outside,
And seek my Father's throne.
There on my knees I seek God's face
(or just there on my bed)
He takes away the cares of life
And gives me peace instead.
The door of home is open wide
to family and friends,
We gather around the table for
The bounty that God sends
Sometimes I sit and read a book
Or telephone a friend.
Here is my warm and cozy
There's no need to pretend.
Oh, thank You God for this my home,
And make me more aware,
That many have not happy home
With folks that pray and care.
Then help me keep an open door
And heart so full of love,
My home may be a welcome place
That's blessed by God above.
Gertrude B. McClain

I have been watching various Gardening shows on Amazon Prime, these are great remedies for winter blahs...this one is called The Great Gardens of England.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Christmas is hard!

Welcome to a little bit of Christmas at our house!
Well, today I must start putting away Christmas stuff...I am having a hard time doing that this year. Most years I am ready, this year I am not. So I thought I would blog some pictures and that might make it easier knowing I can come here and look at the pictures if I need a little cheering.

 The tree was much more magical then I can capture with my little camera!

My lovely daughter in law, Richanda, got this church ormament for me.
I love it!!
Abbie crocheted some snowflakes for me!!!

Lovely cards from friends near and far!

 Time to concentrate on school matters now....the girls are back in the swing of things at the school table...which was a game table during break!

 I had to add this photo...proud parent moment...Abbie a senior at Penn State - going into her last semester - graduating in May.  She has done so well! 

This is a pillow she made so very long ago...and she is surly a good apple!  A blessing to so many with her heart for helping people by training to be on the local fire fighter rescue crew and doing volunteer work as a ski patroler at Tussey.  She maintains a stellar GPA, taking 18-20 credits, working on campus, and doing volunteer work in her 'spare' time!  Wow, way to go Abbie!!

Getting the Christmas tree

I am blessed to live in a beautiful place with beautiful people - inside and out.  Thanks for a wonderful Christmas to remember.  Thanks Emma for capturing this late afternoon tree adventure - you are a wonderful photographer! Today (Jan 18) I will reluctantly take the tree is still beautiful!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Amazing Art and DC - Flash Back

My wonderful husband took me to DC with him (November) ...he worked - I played.  I walked from our hotel to see so many amazing things....Somehow with very little planning or charting of my days fell into place and I seemed to find wonderful things around every corner.  I never felt concerned for my safety as I strolled the city.  I did feel that I might get turned around and loose myself.  But I found that if I always knew where the Washington Monument was...I could always find my way home...that is back to the hotel.  The art work of course was one of my favorite finds. I could not believe my eyes at all that I was privileged to see....nor the fact that I could take pictures in the National Art Gallery.

My next favorite in the big city was the American History Museum...and Julia Child's Kitchen.  I remember fondly....watching Julia Child on PBS with my Mom when I was just in grade school.  She was half Chef...half comedian it seemed to me at that age! 

I love the green!! My favorite color.

I also enjoyed seeing the First Ladies' china patterns...I love dishes, too much really for they always call out to me at the thrift stores or garage sales.

More First Lady china....I think maybe Mrs Johnson's???

The White House
One of the security guards
My sweetie!

And...butterflies in the Natural History Museum!

 And here we are in our amazing hotel lobby!  This was when we were waiting for our car to be brought around to head home. Everyone was so nice at the hotel and the service was marvelous.  One of the lobby attendants offered to take this photo for us!