Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Grange Fair - Highlights

The girls sharing a BIG DONUT!

Beautiful Quilts and Squash

Life is beautiful at the fair!

Knife and Hawk Throwing

The girls learned how to throw knives and hawks at a Rendezvous they went to with their grandparents. They both enjoy practicing. 
Laura - just threw her tomahawk

Emma getting ready to throw her knife
Emma - knife throwing!

Music on the Farm

Cousin Ray plays the Indian Flute. It was hauntingly beautiful.
He taught on a reservation and in turn learned also.

Abbie plays and sings for us too.

Ray has a fabulous rustic voice!

Ray and Pap

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ag Progress Days

The girls helped their Dad at the biodiesel booth!

I liked this plot...inspirational and informational

Oxen at work

Hay Press

We had a wonderful time at Ag Progress Days, this event is put on by Penn State each year.  We always learn new things and meet interesting people.  We learned that there is no Ox breed but it is rather the training that they recieve that earns them the name Oxen.

Raising Girls - Laura's Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly we raised!

God's Amazing Creation!

Hopefully it is in Mexico by now!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Black Mo - the fun continues

Black Mo Beach

Emma enjoying the sunshine!

Laura and Emma - Sisters and Best Friends!

Buffalo just a bike ride from the camp ground.

He is the head of the pack - cute little donkey!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

More Summer Fun at Black Mo

 Family fun at Black Mo, cooking yummy food
and enjoying time in the camp ground!

Laura on her rip stick!

The kids put their corn cobs on the table and a chipmonk
came and snatched one and tried to get it in his hole to no avail!

Summer at Black Mo

Ready to get on board the pontoon boat!

Wonderful View


Emma got to steer the boat!

Family Fun... Emma, Daddy and Eli!

Now Laura is the Captain

Sibling Silliness!

We did not travel far on this vacation, nor spend much money but we had a wonderful time at Black Moshannon State Park...just a 15 minute drive for us, maybe a little longer pulling the camper. We love state parks, thanks PA!